Benzen Pollution


Benzene is one of the most common toxic chemicals found in the environment. It has light yellowish to colorless shade. It smells sweet, but don’t be misled by that, this chemical is highly flammable. Unlike some other chemicals, benzene evaporates fast and can dissolve slightly in water. EPA regulations set the drinking water standard for benzene @ 5ppb. However, recent investigations have found the limit is not always adhered to.
The Source

But where can you find benzene? According to studies it can form through natural processes as well as from human activities. One natural source is volcanic eruptions And the fires from these eruptions. Benzene is also present in gasoline as well as smoke from cigarettes. Benzene is commonly used in the production of plastics, synthetic fibers, nylon, and some resins. Others use it in manufacturing lubes, dyes, laundry detergents, and pesticides. Indeed, it is one of the most useful and yet, poisonous chemicals used by humans.


So, how can one become exposed to benzene? For starters, this chemical can be found in the air around us. It is present in cigarette smoke, exhausts from vehicles, and even from gas stations. These sources of benzene can be found anywhere so it won’t be surprising if you find yourself inhaling a small part of this chemical every now and then. The sad fact is you can find greater amounts of benzene indoors than outdoors. Most of the products we use at home like paint, glue, detergents, and even wax we use on our floor and furniture contain benzene. Water is not safe from benzene contamination. This chemical can leak from waste sites and storage tanks and mix with water in rivers and seas contaminating the water table. To find the best reverse osmosis system to remove benzene from your drinking look please click here. You can find a filtration systems designed for your specific needs.

Health Effects

According to studies, benzene can cause cell damage leading to anemia and even leukemia. In destroying body cells, it weakens the immune system which makes a person more susceptible to diseases. Women exposed to benzene experienced irregular menstrual cycle and have smaller ovaries. The effects of benzene vary based on the total concentration and the length of exposure time.

The Symptoms

The symptoms of benzene poisoning from inhaling benzene include drowsiness, nausea, irregular heartbeat, headaches, loss of consciousness, and tremors. Someone who ate food with benzene will experience vomiting, stomach ache, dizziness, and lack of sleep. Be aware these symptoms are not exclusive to benzene they may be signs the victim has been exposed to other substances other than benzene. A visit to the doctor is the most important step to take.


In order to avoid benzene poisoning, one should stay away from areas near sources of benzene like gasoline stations and factories that manufacture plastics and other products known to contain benzene. Meanwhile, if you’re fond of smoking cigarettes or tobacco, you should quit to avoid poisoning yourself and others as well. To insure your water is safe, the folks at  suggest you have your water tested and install the proper filtration system to eliminate this and any other contaminates found.